How to Clear Browser's Cache on Computer and Mobile Phone

About Browser's Cache
Browser's cache on computers and mobile phones can store certain information like Html and pictures from websites you visit. It helps you open the web page quickly and conveniently next time you pay a visit. But sometimes the cache can prevent you from seeing new updates. You can clear your cache on different browsers by following this step-by-step guide.
1. Chrome for Desktop
➊ Open Chrome Browser on your desktop.
➋ Click the ⋮ symbol on the top right corner of Chrome.
➌ Select「Settings」 from the bottom of the menu.
➍ On the bottom of the Setting screen, click the 「Show advanced settings…」link.
➎ Click the「Clear browsing data」button in「Privacy」section.
➏ You can choose the cache information to delete by placing checks before the items in the window.
➐ Click the「Clear browsing data」button and you're done!
* Please note that another way to go to the cache window is to press「Control + Shift + Delete」on Windows or「Command + Shift + Delete」on Mac.
2. Firefox for Desktop
➊ Open Firefox Browser on your desktop.
➋ Click the ≡ symbol at the top right corner of Firefox.
➌ Select「Preferences」and go to the menu.
➍ Click「Privacy」on the left sidebar.
➎ Click the「clear your recent history」link and you can choose the time range to clear. Or click the「Details」button to check the cache items you want to clear.
➏ You can choose the cache information to delete by placing checks before the items in the window.
➐ Click the「Clear Now」 button and you're done!
* Please note that if your cache is large, it may take a while for Firefox to clear all the files. Just be patient with it.
3. Safari for MacOS
➊ Open Safari on your Mac.
➋ Choose「Safari」menu on the top left corner and click「Clear History」
➌ Select「All History」in the pop-up window and click the「Clear History」button to clean all the history data, cookies and cache.
4. Opera for Desktop
➊ Open Opera Browser on your desktop.
➋ Click the「Opera」menu at the top left corner of screen.
➌ Select「Settings」and go to「Privacy & security」section.
➍ Click「Clear browsing data」and see a pop-up window.
➎ Choose time period and check items you want to delete.
➏ Click the「Clear browsing data」 button and you're done!
5. Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11
➊ Open Internet Explorer on your desktop.
➋ Click the gear button at the top right corner and select the「Safety」button.
➌ Choose「Delete browsing history」and go to the pop-up window.
➍ Choose and check the items you want to delete and click the「Delete」button.
* Please note that you can open the pop-up window by simply pressing「Ctrl + Shift + Delete」buttons.
6. Chrome for Android
➊ Open Chrome Browser on your Android devices.
➋ Tap the ⋮ icon at the top right corner and select「Settings」
➌ Tap「Privacy」and go to「Clear browsing data」section.
➍ Choose cache items you want to delete and tap「CLEAR DATA」button.
7. Safari for iOS
➊ Open the Settings app on your iOS devices.
➋ Find「Safari」in the Settings list and go to the next window.
➌ Scroll down the screen and find「Clear History and Website Data」option.
➍ Tap the link and a pop-up window appears to ask you confirm.
➎ Tap「Clear History and Data」 option.