How To Take Part In B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey

About B&Q
B&Q is a multinational home improvement retailer from the UK. It was founded by Richard Block & David Quayle in 1969 and headquarters in East Leigh, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom. Its main products include home improvement tools and gardening supplies and plants.
About B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey
B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey is an online activity for the company collecting feedbacks from its customers. By learning what its customers need or how its customers think about their service or products, the company can have a better understanding on how to improve their service.
Upon completion of the service, you will have a chance to win £250.
How Can You Take Part In B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey?
Before you begin, you will need a device with internet access.
Detailed Instructions:
1. Go to B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey website at:
2. Select the store location you've visited, and click "Confirm store selection".

3. Select your visiting date and time, and then click "Next" to continue.

4. Answer a few questions as instructed to finish the survey.
5. If you want to know anything about the prize draw rules, please go to:
6. For further information, please refer to Contact Us website at: