How To Register To Be A Courier with Hermes

About Hermes Group
Hermes Group is a German parcel delivery company. It mainly provides parcel delivery service across United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Germany, China and Russia.
About Hermes Online Courier Service
Hermes Group's own website provides Hermes online courier service. With this system, anyone with a car or van, a garage to store goods, a telephone and a valid driving license can register to be a courier with Hermes. By supplying valid and sufficient personal information, you will be considered first when there are job vacancies available.
For any candidates who have registered to be a courier with Hermes, their personal details will be kept in file for any courier job options that may be suitable.
How Can You Apply To Be A Courier With Hermes?
Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:
1. You need to have a device with access to the internet.
2. You need to have a car or van, a full driving license, a garage or storage space, and a telephone.
Detailed Instructions:
1. Visit the webpage of Hermes Online Courier Service at:, and click "Register a new e-mail address".

2. Enter your Courier Number, your e-mail address, your first name, your surname and postcode in the new page, and click "CONFIRM DETAILS".

3. Follow the instructions step by step to finish the registration.
4. For further information, please refer to Contact Us website at: