How To Apply For Food And Medical Assistance?

If you are low-income in Florida, and consider to apply for Food Stamps and Medicaid, you can go to ACCESS Florida which is a program protecting low-income individuals and families the public health and safety with its headquarter in Tallahassee. Before applying for the assistance, you need to check if you are eligible for the program.
1. You need to have a valid Social Security Number.
2. If you are an immigrant, you have to provide proof of immigration status.
3. Go to ACCESS Florida at at
4. Click on the link "Am I Eligible?" to check if you are eligible for the application.
5. If so, back to the ACCESS Florida page and click on "Apply For Benefits" to continue.
6. In the next Benefit Selection page, choose which programs you want to apply, Food Stamps/Cash Assistance/Medicaid/HCBS/Waivers or Nursing Home Medicaid Coverage.
7. Complete application form with your personal information and submit.