How To Install Maps Using MyTomTom
About TomTom
TomTom is a Dutch company, providing mapping and navigation products. It was founded in 1991 and headquarters in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In addition to navigation and mapping, TomTom provides GPS sport watches, action cameras and fleet management systems and so on.
About Installing Maps Using MyTomTom
MyTomTom is a brand new platform that allows you to make the most out of your TomTom device. All the models allow you to upgrade your current maps, download and install new maps using MyTomTom.
Downloading and installing maps using MyTomTom is an easy, cost-effective way for you to drive with the latest map and ensure you continue to enjoy the best navigation experience.
How to install maps using MyTomTom?
Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:
1. A device with internet access.
2. Your MyTomTom account.
3. Check that you have a minimum of 8GB free space on the computer.
Detailed Instructions:
1. Go to the TomTom website at:, and select your country.
2. Click "Get started!", and in the next page, download software you need.
3. Download the updated map, and follow the on-screen instructions to install the map.
4. Once the installation is complete, you can disconnect your navigation device from your computer.
5. For further information, refer to the Downloading and Installing Maps Using MyTomTom at: